Intergroup – Sydney
Intergroup Sydney Meeting
Intergroup meets Second Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm
Please summit your meeting report one week before meeting.
If summitting agenda item you will need to attend and speak to it.
Click here to join ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID 913 2607 8635
Password Steps
(Extracted from the ACA Fellowship Text)
In areas where many ACA meetings exist, an Intergroup is generally formed to provide a forum for conducting ACA business within a given geographical area. The individual groups continue to conduct their own group business; however, the groups can select a meeting representative to represent the group at an Intergroup meeting. The Intergroup, therefore, is composed of members from the various ACA groups. The Intergroup helps coordinate helpline functions, public information efforts, hospitals and institutions meetings, and ACA events in a given area. An ACA Regional Service Committee serves a similar function by helping coordinate ACA functions and fellowship business among Intergroups in a geographical area.
When an Intergroup is formed, each ACA group elects an Intergroup representative, who attends a monthly or quarterly Intergroup meeting. If there is no Intergroup in your area, your group can elect a Group Service Representative, who can attend the Annual Business Conference. A Regional Service Committee serves as a coordinating point for several Intergroups in a geographical area. Intergroup Representatives attend Regional Service Committee meetings as well.
Pages 603 thru 606 of the ACA Fellowship text provide additional information on how to start an Intergroup or Regional Service Committee that is directly responsible to those they serve.
We welcome all help from Intergroups, especially with getting meetings registered with the new (meeting) registration form. If your Intergroup has not registered within the past year or does not have an email listed on the website, please update your information with the Intergroup Registration form below. Thanks much! See the list of intergroups for ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics).
Get the List of registered ACA Intergroups here
Intergroup Sydney Meeting
Intergroup meets Second Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm
Please summit your meeting report one week before meeting.
If summitting agenda item you will need to attend and speak to it.
Click here to join ZOOM Meeting
Meeting ID 913 2607 8635
Password Steps
Intergroup Sydney relies on your 7th Tradition Contributions to cover ACA national & local costs including zoom accounts, public liability insurance, website hosting, literature, and the new ACA phone line. Please contribute generously using the account details below.
ACoA Sydney
BSB 032-044
Acct 748092
Current Business Minutes (click here to download PDF)
Previous Business Minutes
April 22 Minutes
March 22 Minutes
Feb 22 Minutes
Jan 22 Minutes
Dec 21 Minutes
Oct 21 Minutes
Sep 21 Minutes
Aug 21 Minutes
July 21 Minutes
June 21 Minutes
May 21 Minutes
April 21 Minutes
March 21 Minutes
Feb 21 Minutes
Jan 21 Minutes
Dec 20 Minutes
Nov 20 Minutes
Oct 20 Minutes
Sep 20 Minutes
Aug 20 Minutes
July 20 Minutes
June 20 Minutes